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Insights, Learnings, & Reflections

Comparison is a Happiness Vampire

We can all use a daily reminder to not compare ourselves to others or measure ourselves against their successes. Success isn't a zero sum game. Constantly comparing yourself to others is a recipe for unhappiness.

The healthiest thing that a business owner, leader, or founder can do is define what success means for them, and map a path to get there. It’s appallingly easy to get sidetracked by what we see people posting on LinkedIn, or to let our own definition of success be warped by what someone else tells us it should be. But if you take a step back and think about what you want to accomplish this week, this month, or this year, that should be your North Star.

That doesn’t mean avoid what’s happening around you entirely. No one grows when they keep themselves in a bubble, or when they refuse to look outside of themselves to see what’s possible. But that doesn’t mean changing what you want to fit someone else’s definition of success.

Use someone else's wins to show yourself what is possible, and figure out what you can adapt and take away from someone else's success. Define what success means for YOU, not for someone else, then figure out how you get there.

Sarah NewhallComment